worst drinks for lymphoma

The Lymphoma Drink Dos and Don’ts

Lymphoma is a type of cancer that affects the lymph system, which helps fight infections. Managing what you drink can play an important role in your overall health and treatment. To help, there's ADCETRIS® (brentuximab vedotin), a medication used to treat various types of lymphoma and certain types of non-Hodgkin lymphoma.

Carcinogenic Drinks to Avoid

  • Alcoholic beverages.
  • Sugary soft drinks.
  • Energy drinks.
  • High-caffeine beverages.
  • Artificially sweetened drinks.
  • Commercial fruit juices with added sugar.
  • Processed sports drinks.
  • Soda with caramel coloring.

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Drinks to Avoid with Lymphoma


Alcohol can interfere with treatment and weaken your immune system. It may also increase the risk of infections.

Sugary Drinks

Soda, fruit drinks with added sugar and energy drinks can lead to weight gain and tiredness. They don’t provide much nutrition.

Caffeinated Beverages

Coffee, caffeinated tea and energy drinks can cause dehydration, affect sleep and increase anxiety.

Highly Processed Drinks

Sports drinks and store-bought smoothies often contain artificial ingredients and excess sugar.

Soda with Artificial Sweeteners

Artificial sweeteners can upset your stomach and may not be ideal when you’re sick.

Best Drinks for Lymphoma

Drinking the right beverages can support your health and help with recovery:


Water keeps you hydrated and helps your body function properly.

Herbal Teas

Ginger tea, chamomile tea and peppermint tea can soothe your stomach and provide antioxidants.

Fresh Fruit Juices (without added sugar)

Freshly squeezed orange juice and apple juice offer vitamins and nutrients without extra sugar.

Broth-Based Soups

Chicken broth and vegetable broth are easy to digest and provide hydration and nutrients.

Coconut Water

Coconut water helps maintain hydration and provides natural electrolytes.

Treatment Options for Lymphoma


Uses drugs to kill or stop cancer cells from growing, given as pills or injections.

Radiation Therapy

Targets and kills cancer cells in specific areas using high-energy rays.

Targeted Therapy

Focuses on cancer cells with drugs that affect only those cells, causing less damage to normal cells.


Boosts your immune system to help it find and attack cancer cells.

Stem Cell Transplant

Replaces damaged bone marrow with healthy stem cells to help make healthy blood cells.


ADCETRIS® (brentuximab vedotin) is a medication used to treat certain types of lymphoma. It is a targeted therapy that combines an antibody with a drug to specifically attack and kill cancer cells. ADCETRIS® is commonly used for treating Hodgkin lymphoma and systemic anaplastic large cell lymphoma. It works by binding to cancer cells and delivering a toxic drug directly to them, which helps to destroy the cancer cells while minimizing damage to healthy cells.

Sipping Smart

Choosing the right drinks can help manage lymphoma. Avoid alcohol, sugary and processed drinks. Opt for water, herbal teas and fresh fruit juices to support your recovery and stay hydrated. Always follow your doctor’s advice and discuss any questions about diet and treatment.

Read on to learn about the worst drinks for pneumonia.